Even in these uncertain times investments in Rental Real Estate are providing consistent returns. That does not mean that any purchase will be a good investment, however.
What is it worth? The first step in determining the value of real estate that provides rental income is to estimate the Gross Potential Rent and Economic Vacancy with as high a degree of accuracy as possible using one of the versions of our Rent Roll Pro software.
After the purchase, or for existing rental properties, Rent Roll Pro manages lessee lists, contact information, renewals and lease term adjustments, vacancies, and work order management while continually updating the Gross Potential Rent, Economic Vacancy, and other critical calculations.
For real estate and other sales professionals Rent Roll Pro's Contact Manager can help make your hectic life a little more sane. Features include custom categories, tags, tag groups, and dates; resident, applicant, agent, and/or contractor statuses; powerful and easy to learn searches and custom reports; traffic and lessee reports, and much more.