Rent Roll Pro© Version 2.5 - multi user NetPack Rental Contact Manager; colors and resizing (all versions); commercial property management and reporting.
Version 2.5 of Rent Roll Professional is Windows© XP to 11 compatible 1, 3 and compatible with QuickBooks Canada years 2010 and later.

New in Version 2.5 - the Rent Roll Pro NetPack has additional commercial property reports, adds a read only user to the Rental Contact Manager, and the NetPack Client can be accessed remotely via Windows-compatible remote use systems. Rent Roll Pro now has one scheduled renewal or lease adjustment, historical rent adjustments, a historical rent roll report, billing statements, and can redirect to the public folder for complete Windows compatibility. See Product Comparison for more info.

New in Version 2.5 - all versions can have custom colors and be resized.

Professional Real Estate Software
Soft Green Corporation's real estate software packages are cost effective alternatives to professional services that can increase your profits without substantially increasing your workload.
Data Transfer and Professional Setup Services
For an additional fee (beginning at $195, varying by size, type, and number of properties), data can be transferred from any existing software package, or we can setup Rent Roll Pro and QuickBooks from scratch. Our efficient and experienced staff can make your conversion more cost-effective, faster, and lessen immediate training requirements. Contact for more information, pricing and requirements.

Property Management and Professional Analysis

Rent Roll Pro provides the instant financial analysis vital for effective property management, integrates completely with QuickBooks© 1 Pro, Premier and Enterprise 2, manages up to 999 separate property files (999 x 9999 units) without extra per-property or number of units charges, and includes a transferable user license.

Click HERE for a demonstration of Rent Roll Pro features.

The network capable Rent Roll Pro NetPack© allows a Property Manager user and two Sales and Leasing agent users (one entry, one read-only) to simultaneously access the program over a network. Additional user licenses add both a Property Manager entry user and a Rental Contact Manager entry user.

Version 2.5 allows sophisticated accounting practices like Class assignments, Main and Sub Income Items, sub accounts, Rental Sales Tax recognition (and others), subsidy invoice creation and assignment of a common payment, automated Late Fee invoicing; or for those with simpler needs, a point and shoot setup of the necessary accounts by Rent Roll Pro. We've also added user color customization.

Some of the sophisticated financial reports included are Absorption, Periodic Absorption, Periodic Economic Vacancy, an adjustable Net Rental Income Forecast, Billing Detail, Rent Roll Pro Financial Report, Unit Type Economic Analysis, Periodic Occupancy, (in the NetPack: Historical Rent Roll and Commercial Rent Roll) and an exportable Rent Roll with QuickBooks Transactions by Unit. More than one hundred standard accounting reports are also available inside QuickBooks, plus the custom options as well.

The intuitive and easy-to-master design makes juggling maintenance requests, sales leads and rental payments as simple as clicking a button - no [ctrl]+[alt]+[m] nonsense to learn.

The most important financial statistics are shown on the main screen and updated constantly, giving an instant and accurate measure of each property's financial performance.

Industry-standard export files from Audits, units, the rent roll list, and reports can be opened in word processors, spreadsheets or databases, easily transferring the information into any of your favorite programs.

Sales, Leasing, and Contact Management

The Rent Roll Pro Rental Contact Manager- included with all versions of Rent Roll Pro - manages sales leads, contractors, agents, and other contacts; creates Traffic Reports by property, unit type, or date; and uses custom Tags, Dates (with alarms), and categories for easy entry and reporting. In Version 2.5 the NetPack's version of the Contact Manager comes standard with two users (one read only).

Version 2.5 has the ability to make and edit QuickBooks customers, process lease applicants and track credit applications, take and refund payments and security deposits, make third-party accounts, manage multiple-lessee units, easily transfer customer name and address into documents, coordinate lessee and customer names in QuickBooks and Rent Roll Pro, and much more.

In the NetPack version, the Rental Contact Manager can be used by two addition users (one read only) simultaneously while the NetPack version of Rent Roll Pro is in use, and for additional cost multiple users can be added. Version 2.5 of the NetPack also creates invoices for subsidies alongside rental invoices, and can pay those invoices with one check.

True to the Soft Green Corp design concept, everything is point and click, allowing easy and fast searches, reports and exporting of contact information.

click for Rent Roll Pro demo video

Click for Demo of Rent Roll Professional

Click for Version 2.5 Demo


Product Info
Rent Roll Pro Features
Detailed Product Info
Product Comparison
Rent Roll Pro - Property Management software Rent Roll Pro NetPack Property Management for multiple users


Rent Roll Pro now in color









text, image, and business practice contents copyright ©Soft Green Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

1 QuickBooks is a registered trademark and service mark of Intuit, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc. in the United States and other countries.

2 Rent Roll Pro, NetPack, and Rent Roll Pro NetPack's Rental Contact Manager are designed to integrate with QuickBooks Pro, Premier, and Enterprise editions, as well as Accounting, Contractor, Non-Profit, and other specialized accounting editions, from years 2004 and later.

3 Rent Roll Pro is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows 7 and later versions (through 11); the NetPack version is required to share files over Windows networks and to access the program via remote access software and services.